Sunday, September 3, 2017

University Campus

I met with my Rotary Counsellor today, and he and his family are very lovely. Baby boy  in the family celebrated his first birthday today. Family brought different items for him to choose from to see what he might end up doing as a future career. There were books, fake gold, food and other items that all meaned different things. The book meant he might be a teacher, gold meaning he will make a lot of money and be rich in the future, and a chicken thigh, meant he will never need to worry about having food, he will be well fed forever. He was a little overwhelmed with all the people and just kept going back to his mother. We enjoyed cake and Mcdonalds for lunch. I then went with Jerry, and his family, to Taiwan National Normal University, where Laura needed to wait in a huge line to get school things in order, and I was shown their Language and foreigners area of one of three of the schools campus'. Sadly, the language information building was closed, due to it being a Sunday. Laura said she will get more information for me though. University in Taiwan is significantly cheaper than anywhere in North America, and also have a very large language department with benefits no where in Canada could offer. I won't say this for a fact, but I might also have a very good refference. I am strongly considering applying for university here. My top choice is still Gallaudet, in Washington DC, but it is extremely expensive and hard to get into. There is only one course for hearing students and seems like it'd be a competition to get accepted, but I still want to apply, as well as applying here and possibly Germany, where they have free tuition under certain circumstances. Germany along with other countries in Europe offer free tuition but I need to do more research into the courses and circumstances. I know that for however long you stay for school, you must equal that time living there after finishing your degree. Of course, we will see how I feel after a year here, but I don't see anything ruining Taiwan for me. It is quite wonderful here. Although, I am not used to everything yet, I will say I love it. I also know that I want to travel a lot though, and I would love Germany or other parts of Europe too, but lets not even get started about the general cost of living.
Back to current time, tomorrow I wake up at six again for school, so I should get some rest tonight. Hopefully I will actually recieve some work or something to do from the teachers tomorrow. If not, I will continue trying to teach myself whatever I can throughout the day or week. I guess we'll see. Laura also gave me this really awesome see through umbrella that I absolutely love!

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