Friday, October 6, 2017


Life in Taiwan is great and I love learning Mandarin. Although, being in classes with others is sometimes frustrating, even though they are all wonderful people, I wish I could have private lessons where I got more done, but right now teaching myself is the most efficient method. My 爸爸 (baba, host dad) is very keen on teaching me but sometimes thats a little too frustrating and I don't want that to take away from father daughter relationship so I would prefer learning from someone else as a private tutor. I don't want to offend him but I think it'd be easier to learn from somebody else and have him as only a father figure. That being said I do want there to me more Mandarin spoken to me in the home, in daily conversation rather than lessons, but after multiple conversations about this it still isn't really happening. I understand that speaking English is easy because its a common language everyone in my home knows and benefitial for them to learn more but I think progress would be faster if it was more Mandarin as well because that is my goal for the year. Not to be a teacher of my own language but teaching English is everywhere, at school, at home, out with friends, always. Makes me even more sure I never want to become a teacher. A professor, possibly after a long successful career but teacher, no thank you. 
I also hoped I'd be travelling around often but I shouldn't have had any expectations because that is not what's happening, I have only been outside of my city twice, and each time I had a lot of fun because that is what I love doing, road trips and travelling around, seeing things I couldn't in my own city. Although I have not explored all of my city yet, I've only been to the same places again and again which I enjoy but I will have many chances to do that, where as outside of my city I won't have as many opportunities to travel to and want to see as much as possible. I hope in the future I will be able to explore the Island a lot more and see more than just my city because as beautiful as it is, there isn't much to do from what I've seen. No wildlife either which I would love to see whatever wild life they do have here. I want to do many things but everything costs money which I sadly do not have a bunch of extra money to spend.
Sometimes, I feel like I want to go out with my fellow inbounds more often because I don't get the chance to but most of the time I just wanna have a few hours to rest because that doesn't happen too often. Every time I have enough energy though, my family always has plans and I love spending time with them so I would always choose that over going out with friends whether I have the choice or not. I'm also a little unclear of what I'm actually allowed doing because when we talk about it, I'm not allowed doing much but when I ask to go out (which has only been twice) its a yes but there's also the problem of things not being planned well which bothers me the most. I like having a plan and knowing what we're doing before its happening but no one ever actually has a plan so I am a little uncomfortable with that myself and usually end up staying home instead.
Anyway, I should get back to studying and hopefully make some more improvement instead of sitting here typing away my time. Have a lovely day (or night.)

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