Tuesday, August 22, 2017


 My second and third days in Taiwan were much more eventful than my first. I did much more than sleep to say the least. On Sunday, I was taken to meet more Rotarians for lunch and we all ate the same chicken dish, with lemon squeezed on top. At the same restaurant there was an all you can eat salad/soup bar, and I tried pumpkin soup for the first time, and everyone there thought I would've tried it before. We then walked over to the Ceramics Museum where we met with a large group of students who were in Taiwan for a three week mandarin course (which many said was not what they wanted it to be.) I also met the most adorable Romanian girl who at the end of the day, gave my cute little painted dolls wearing traditional Romanian outfits. The most interesting thing about her, is that she actually now lives in France and is fluent in french, but her accent sounds like she is from Canada or the states, I originally asked her if she was from America. We got to talking and ended up getting along very well, and I will continue to keep in conact with her and many others I met there, through social media, because they all flew home that evening, other than two. Those two I will see again soon.
 Monday, I was introduced to my host sisters best friend, and her brother, who we spent some of the morning with going to breakfast and walking around our neighbrohood. I ate a delicious corn, cheese soup from a shop just down the street, where I will surely order it again. Not that I know any word other than 'soup' for that order in mandarin, but I will learn. Later in the day me and my host father went to a huge tae kwon doe tournament where Taipei did amazing! It was very exciting and a fun bonding experience. We had a lot of fun cheering on Taipei together and watching them slay the competition. Korea was very good as well. It was very interesting to watch. I am exciting to go to more events like this in the future.

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