Sunday, November 5, 2017

More Christmas Gifts

Yesterday was Rotary districts activity day, a lot of clubs joined and I let many of the exchange students know and many were already attending. Our activity was a 5km walk as a giant group at a place called Ximen Reservoir. It wasn't the most beautiful day, lots of clouds and wind, even a little rain. I still ended up getting a sunburn though. The other exchange students and I had a big speaker that my friend brought and we sang and danced to very loud music the whole time. Many people with the group that we've never met before started dancing with us. We had breakfast and lunch at the site, although the breakfasts and lunches at Rotary events are not my favourite. I went to my friend Bias' house after and hung out there for a few hours. We were both so tired from waking up at 5am that she ended up having a nap for a little bit while I tried to get her dog to love me, that dog doesn't like anyone but her mother. It still barks at Bia everyday. She hates it. We decided to go meet up with all the exchange students again that night for dinner and to just hangout. We ended up playing games in a park and blasting music to dance yet again. We danced for probably 3 hours straight. It was really fun. We were all very tired afterwards. 
Today I slept in and then had lunch with the family. 媽媽,爸爸 and I all went to Ing Ge Old Street to shop for ceramic items. I ended up almost finishing my Christmas shopping for the family in Canada. I soon need to send the big box back for them. It might cost a bit to send that much stuff... I have no clue though, I've never sent anything back to Canada. I hope its not too much but either way I hope they love the gifts I got. I know my sister will for sure. My parents were also a littlebspecific with what they wanted but I threw in a few extra things. I wish I could say, butbthey read my blog too. We had a long day of walking and looking around. We came home and Ama and Agong came over for dinner. We had pigs liver, fish, fish eggs fried together into weird shapes, pork, veggies, soup and one other dish that I can't remember. We then drove Ama and Agong home and went to the night market. I tried strawberries and tomato covered in a hard candy shell which was delicious. I had my favourite Taiwanese sausage and mango juice. 妹妹 had octopus balls, peices of octopus deep fried with toppings, seaweed, sauce and other toppings. Then we were about to leave, even walked in the direction of the car, but 妹妹 and I were still hungry so we went back for a delicious potato dish. It was baked potato, almost a mashed style with lots of toppings. It had cheese sauce, bacon, cantonese pepper sausage, brocolli, tuna and corn. It was so good. I am excited for next time to get more. My least favourite topping would be tuna but it was still good. We then left and just got home, already 10pm. I have school in the morning and need to wake up at 6am, I am not very excited for that.

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