Monday, January 29, 2018

Chinese Wedding

This weekend I went to my first Chinese wedding. To say the least, is was extravagant. It was like a dream wedding but with completely different traditions. The bride was the most beautiful woman in a room full of at least a few hundred people. She had two outfit changes and wore three gorgeous dresses. Her original wedding dress is the dress of every girls dream. I loved it. It was white lace on the top and at the waist it puffed out like a princess dress and followed a few feet behind her trailing the ground. Her next dress was more like a prom dress but it was also similar to a princesses' dress. It was a gorgeous dark blue with sparkles all over and also followed behind her on the ground. She wore her final red dress for photos with guests in an area where the professional photographers had set up a background and lighting. They also had made a newsletter of their marriage and with pictures of their previous photo shoot. During dinner there was a slideshow of photos playing from there photo shoot and she had worn at least five different outfits for that as well. All of them just as pretty. Not to mention they were the most adorable couple I have ever seen. The food was also the best it vould get. Lobster, my favourite, crab, abalone and shark fin soup. Along with many other dishes of course like shrimp, different soups and many others that I don't quite remember. I'd imagine it was everything the young lady ever dreamt.
The next day I needed to wake up at five thirty to head to Taichung for a hike with a few other exchange students, 爸爸, our chairman ET (English teacher, not extra terrestrial) her adorable daughter Mickey and Stanley another rotarian. We drove for around two hours to get to 大雪山. We hiked to the top of a trail where there was a very tall structure with a tiny cabin on the top so you could see out above the mountains. It was a very tall structure. I realized that its strange because I'm not scared of heights when I'm on the edge of a cliff, but on a very tall man made structure I am not all that comfortable. Natural places have always been more comfortable to me I guess. Still strange though. It was a gorgeous view to see how high up we were and to see over all the gorgeous mountains. On the way down the mountain we played "hike and seek" where two people would seek and continue to walk down the trail and the others would need to run ahead and hide somewhere. If the seekers passed them without finding them then they won and got to choose if they wanted to seek or hide in the next round. When we got to the bottom we drove to another building on the mountain to sit and eat out lunch. We all had instant noodles, bread and chips. We took many photos and were very tired so we then headed home. Two and a half hours later we arrived back home.
On Sunday we went to Agong and Amas' house for dinner, as usual. We always have very good meals at their house. Especially because they make my favourite. Potatoes and pork chops. The pork chops here are very small and breaded, very good. They also sometimes have eggplant which I've actually grown to love. After dinner we always sit around, talk and watch TV. Our dessert is always fruit. I tried fresh dates and kumquats for the first time. I really like dates. Much better fresh than dry. To be honest I knew of the word kumquat but I had no idea it was a fruit. They are kind of like very miniature oranges and you are supposed to eat what looks like the peel. They have a lot of vitamin C and are tasty also but I prefer dates. I just really want mango season back. 

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